Our Pastors

The best sermons of our pastors
Владимир Блажев
Владимир Блажев
We have a strong sense of community with parishioners.
Маргарита Тодорова
Маргарита Тодорова
Church Pastor
We have a strong sense of community with parishioners.

Life Is Better Together

We have a strong sense of community with parishioners.
Божият избор и нашият избор

Божият избор и нашият избор

В книгата си „Исус от Назарет“, когато пише за явяванията на възкръсналия Исус Христос, папа Бенедикт ХVІ заявява следното:

Дисциплина в организацията

Дисциплина в организацията

През 1750 г. методисткото съживление под ръководството на Уесли е вече отличителна черта в британския пейзаж.

Обновление на нравите

Обновление на нравите

Божието слово е най-важното и обичайното средство да се променят и животът, и сърцето на грешника.

What They Say

We have a strong sense of community with parishioners.
Robert Green

I found this community at a time in my life when I was really hurting. I walked in the doors, and felt like I had just come home! I was welcomed with warmth and friendship. Thank you so so much for your warm hearts and all your help.

Robert GreenChurch visitor
Tina Robbins

I have been going to this church my whole life and it is such a blessing to me! I am so blessed to be able to attend their meetings and be a part of the amazing things that God is doing. Thanks for all your help through all these years!

Tina RobbinsChurch visitor
Kevin Gomez

Me and my partners have found our relationship with this team to be a very satisfying and mutually beneficial experience. Thank you for your outstanding WordPress products and services! I will be recommending your service to all my firends!

Kevin GomezChurch visitor

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